Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Financier Review Essay Example

The Financier Review Paper Essay on The Financier I read again novel by Theodore Dreiser. The novel, released in 1912, tells of the time stopyatdesyatiletney ago in US history. In parallel with the formation of the main character, Frank Cowperwood we see how the formation and America itself, its financial system and Philadelphia in particular. Prototype of the hero was taken image of multi Tyson Yerkes, and I think the trilogy begun in financiers, following in the Titan, transferred to Chicago, after the real prototype, it should be of interest to all who are attracted to strength of character, determination, and then to the entire list of immorality, which are attributed to the protagonist. The book can serve as a vital reference books, textbooks novice financier. It is very interesting to read about the world of financial operations, transactions, stock market speculation, about the construction of horse railway shares, par parities, the rise and fall of the course, and the whole financial kitchen Much of the 150-year history ine vitably compared with the current time. .. The lack of Internet, mobile communication, various wifi certainly had a disastrous effect on the fate of the main character, but it was the year when there was only the telegraph. The fall and rise, rise and fall this is what accompanies the financial and personal world of Frank Cowperwood, but it goes with the prowess of the complex vicissitudes and infect his optimism and determination. Even in prison, where he was serving a sentence of 2.5 years, comparing it to the treasurer and Stener, seen amazing strength of spirit and character. Infected after the author of optimism! Read!

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